Now showing items 1-20 of 107


      Batubara, Junita (Journal of Critical Reviews, 2020-04-01)
      Children around 3-6 years are often inflicted with issues of personal hygiene that leads to various diseases. A child’s inability to understand the importance of hygiene ia the root cause that leads to this deficiency. The ...
    • Affixes Analysis in a Bible at Philippians Scripture 

      Herman (International Technology and Science (ITS) Publication - Education Journal, 2018-02-06)
      This research aimed at analyzing and describing of affixes in a Bible at Philippians scripture. In having a language, it is derived from the smallest level to the biggest one; started from morpheme, word, phrase (group), ...
    • Ambillah Waktu Untuk Berfikir 

      Batubara, Ju (Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)
      Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar
    • An Analysis of Indonesian Slang Words in Mojok Essay 

      Purba, Agi Julianto Martuah; Herman; Purba, Christian Neni (A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-23)
      The purpose of this study was to determine the type of use of slang language, how to form slang languages and to find out factors that influence the development of slang in Stigma Terhadap Ibu Rumah Tangga Yang Sudah ...
    • An Analysis of Politeness Principle Maxims Found in Big Hero 6 Movie 

      Pardede, Hilman; Herman; Pratiwi, Widya (A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-27)
      This research was intended to find out types of politeness maxims in Big Hero 6 movie. When people communicate, there will be a principle, general truth, or pattern. Every communication contains politeness and violation. ...

      Simarmata, Rina Octavia (PMC Publisher Singapore, 2017-10-05)
      This study was intended to discover The Application of Teaching English in Research Methododlogy Research on Students’ English Department on Fifth Semester University of HKBP Nommensen Academic Year 2015/ 2016. The sample ...
    • An Analysis of the Contents of Proclamation of Indonesian Independence in Semantic Role 

      Sitanggang, Vandort; Hutahaean, David Togi; Herman (A.O. Syniuta Publisher, 2019-12-27)
      Language is used to know how to produce and understand and acquire sentences with particular meanings in communicational interaction. In language we would find for how to analyze the meaning of languages which uttered or ...
    • Analysis of The Success Rate of Thematic Learning Implementation of Low Grade Elementary School 

      Nainggolan, Juliper (Contemporary Research Center CRC Publications, 2020-02)
      This study aims was performed to determine the success rate in implementation of thematic learning in elementary schools especially the low grade is in Medan. This level of success is seen from the inputs, processes, outputs ...
    • Angin Malam 

      Batubara, Junita (Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)
      Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar
    • Category Shifts In the English Translation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone Movie Subtitle into Indonesia (An Applied Linguistics Study) 

      Herman (IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2014-12-20)
      This research is conducted in order to find out the shifts in movie subtitle of Harry Potter especially for the Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s stone Movie Subtitle into Indonesia. In translating text, shifts are ...
    • Chinese Wedding Ceremony in Pematangsiantar 

      Herman (IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS), 2016-04-20)
      The major goal of this article is to present the Chinese wedding ceremony in Pematangsiantar, Indonesia. Every wedding ceremony has its own process and characteristics. In Indonesia, there are a lot of wedding ceremonies ...
    • Control of Browning During the Thawing of Custard Apple Pulp 

      Pardede, Erika; Buckle, K. A; Srzednicki, G (Food Australia Formerly Food Technology in Australia, 1994-05-01)
      Pulp from custard apple (Annona atemoya Hort.) was treated with 0.1% ascorbic acid and stored in plastic nylon/LDPE bags at -16.3oC. After 2 weeks, 1 month and 3 months, colour and total ascorbic acid were assessed during ...
    • The Correlation Between Peer Social Support And Self-Regulated Learning 

      Rosito, Asina Christina (Universitas Mercu Buana Yogyakarta, 2015)
      The purpose of this study was to identify the correlation between the peer social support and self-regulated learning. In order to achieve this goal, 165 college students of University of HKBP Nommensen were tested. The ...
    • Dari Raut Wajahnya Terlihat Keresahan itu 

      Batubara, Junita (Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)
      Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar
    • A Deixis Analysis of Song Lyrics in Calum Scott “You Are the Reason” 

      Herman; Sitorus, Elsaria (Science PG: International of Science and Qualitative Analysis, 2019-06-24)
      This research is entitled A DEIXIS ANALYSIS OF SONG LYRICS IN CALUM SCOTT “YOU ARE THE REASON”. The aims of the mini research is to analyze the kinds ofdeixisand the dominant deixis in song lyrics “you are the reason” ...
    • Determination Analysis of Leading Economic Sector Against Forming Region GDP in Simalungun. 

      Sinaga, Dearlina (International Journal of Innovative Research in Management, 2015-03-01)
      This study tried to describe the pattern of sectoral growth in the economy, as well as determine the leading sectors that can be taken into consideration in policy formulation and development planning in KabupatenSimalungun. ...
    • Determining Potential and Model of Rianiate Geothermal Based on the Geohydrology and geochemist 

      juliper, nainggolan (International journal of education end research, 2017-06)
      This research was conducted to determine potency of Rianiate geothermal as an alterntivesource and determine the types of Rianiate geothermal that was begun with the position’smeasurement ...

      Pangaribuan, Tagor; Sipayung, Kammer Tuahman (University of Mataram Lombok Indonesia, 2019-03-28)
      English for specific purpose is more relevant than general English in many aspects of vocation. The aims of this research are 1) to develop teaching materials on tourism vocational school on grade eleven, 2) to describe ...
    • Dina Panggil Petugas Lapangan 

      Batubara, Junita (Perpustakaan Nasional RI, 2018-07-02)
      Karya komposisi opera yang menggabungkan musik modern Barat dengan idiom musik Batak Toba yang mengambil cerita dari seorang perempuan Batak Toba yang bernama Siboru Deakparujar